Even you are a absolute beginner, you can master python within a week. If you have dedication and have 3 hours to learn python then you can easily master this trending language within a week.
Follow the path that I listed in this article.
Day 1: Basic Concepts
- Variables
- Display Output(Print command)
- Take user input(input command)
- Conditionals statements
Time - 3 to 4 hours
DAY 2: Basic Concepts
- List(index, append, remove)
- for loop
- while loop
- function
Time - 2 to 4 hours
Resources - Udemy , codewithharry
DAY 3: Basic coding problems
- Calculate Simple Interest
- Find largest number in the list
- Check a number is prime or not
- Sum of all digits in a number
- Reverse String (check palindrome)
- Calculate age
- Build a simple Calculator
Time - 4 to 5 hours
If you find some errors or you are unable to build this, then you may fifi the source code on github.
Day 4: Data Structures
- Stack and Queue
- Dictionary
- Tuples
Time - 3 to 4 hours
The best source to learn these things is youtube.
Day 5: OOPs
- Object
- Class
- Method and Constructor
- OOP-Inheritance
Time- 4 to 5 hours
Day 6: Algorithms
- Binary Search
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
Time - 4 to 5 hours
The above listed algorithms are basic algorithms are evry software developer should know these algorithms.
Day 7: Projects
- Build a kivy app
- Build a simple game with pygame
- Build Web crawler
Time - 5 to 7 hours
You may start building projects from simple programs to high level applications. These projects will get you a job.
Read the full article - how to master python in one week